Good News
I had some good news this week, my editor wants to purchase a contemporary romantic comedy from me. Details to follow.
I'm happy becuase it gives me a chance to stretch myself and do something out of my comfort zone.
Historical fans should not run away screaming. I am still writing historicals. I'll have a historical out in February and I'm working on a new one even as we speak (see below).
Trying something new is both scary (can I do it?) and fun. I'm looking forward to it.
It will still be comedy, though. I can't get away from that!
I am going to share a truth that I've learned since becoming an author. A secret no other author will tell you...
That is: Whether I get good deals, bad deals, or no deals ... I still have to clean up the cat barf.
Which is where I'm headed now. (I told her not to lick the carpet.)