Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Gathering is Out

Forgot to post yesterday (duh), that Aug. 28 was official release day for Immortals: The Gathering where you learn all about what happens to Tain--and the others. :-)

I'm a little worried about the distribution of this book, so if readers see it when you're out and about, will you let me know? And where you saw it? (Wal-mart, Target, B&N, what have you).

A sample chapter is here:

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Stardust County CD

Many people have heard me talk about the musical half of me, and the CD my husband and I recorded with our friend Nancy. Well, the CD is out. It's available at CD Baby: where you can listen to cuts (for free).

If you want to laugh, listen to Track 7: A Mask and a Mirror sung by me (in my role as Daisy, the Barmaid). My husband is the baritone villain in Track 18: Less Than a Hero.

Some of my favorites, though, are Track 8: Beggar's Quest, by the smooth-voiced Larry Warner, Track 11: Ragged Queen, with Tom Tuerff, and Track 16: Two Worlds, a beautiful song with Nancy Freeman and Larry (and me on flute! I'm a much better instrumentalist than vocalist, LOL).

It was a fun project, squeezed around a ton of writing. The entire CD set tells a story, a werewolf romance about the rakish Nigel (the werewolf) and the lady with a "heart of steel," Nimue. An unlikely couple, but love wins out . . .

Enjoy. :-)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

More blogging at Good, Bad, Unread

Over at, Sybil is doing an Immortals guest day(s) again, posting info from me, Robin Popp and Joy Nash about The Immortals series.

Terrific news: Joy Nash's book made USA Today, and the B&N top 10. Woo hoo! Way to go Joy!


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Awesome Booksigning

I just got back from Detroit where I had the best booksigning ever! at Paperbacks and Things ( Melissa Bliss has the best store, so if you're in her area, definitely check it out! She has reader groups and signings with big name authors every month.

This signing was with me (as both Jennifer Ashley and Allyson James), Delilah Devlin, and Jory Strong. We had a great turnout with terrific people and all three of us signed books until our hands got numb. I had my Allyson James books from EC, plus Dragon Heat. There was even a cake with our book covers on it. Very cool.

Anyway, I have to say I met the nicest people in Detroit. I don't think I met one unfriendly person the whole stay.

Also, Dorchester bent over backwards to get printed copies of Immortals: The Gathering there in time for the signing (it's not officially out until Aug. 28). We sold quite a few copies of those, so those lucky readers got it before anyone else in the country. ;-)

So, please, check out the store online or in person, and send them my regards. What a wonderful bookseller is Melissa!!


Friday, August 03, 2007

More market news

I forgot to add one to the market news learned at RWA:

Continuity series are selling very well, whether multi-author or one author. Continuity series are series based on a set of characters with books coming out back to back, usually one a month.

That's not necessarily good news for newbies because multi-author continuity series are usually done by pubbed authors who have a few books at least under their belts. These authors have already "proved themselves" to the publisher (i.e., have good sales track records).

But--if I were still unpubbed, I'd be tempted to write a trilogy, finish it (yes, I's a lot of work!), and pitch it as a trilogy--letting the editor know the whole thing is done. Sure, you may never sell it, but writing a trilogy is good training. I wrote a fantasy trilogy years ago, and it sure taught me things--like pacing and suspense and plotting.

(No, I never published it--it's crap *g*. I said it taught me things, not that I was good at them. See my post on rejection at

Happy reading and writing!